Jumaat, 21 Mac 2014


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh, how are you guys dear bloggers? It's a very long time I haven't update my blog. See! There were many spider webs and mosses here and I need to clean them up. Okay, right now I want to share with you about cleanliness in Islam! Hadith from our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., the Messenger of Allah S.W.T. told us that cleanliness is a part of iman. Well, most of us don't take this as a serious matter but actually cleanliness is the most important in Islam. As you all know, Rasulullah S.A.W. always took care about this matter. Most of his sunnah told us about cleanliness and tidiness. For example, even he has thick beard but he keep his beard tidy and always clean them via wudhu'. So, you guys can see what I'm going to ask, right? Let's keep ourselves clean and tidy with wudhu' besides getting blessings from Allah S.W.T. Insha-Allah, guys. Wassalam.

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